Apostle MacDonald Jaa

Apostle MacDonald Jaa


1. O Lord, locate and incinerate by fire every evil charm, hex, spell, jinx, manipulation and witchcraft working against my life, in Jesus name.

2. Holy Ghost fire, flow through me and destroy every demonic personality and plantation in my life, in Jesus name.

3. I remove my name from every evil list, in Jesus name.

4. Every demonic personality following me around be incinerated by the fire of God, in Jesus name.

5. I bind every sorcerer, diviner, soothsayer, necromancer, false prophet (ess), psychic and witch doctor hired to do me harm, in Jesus name.

6. I reverse every evil done to me in my dreams, in Jesus name.

7. I dismantle and destroy every monitoring gadget of the enemies, in Jesus name.

8. O Lord, visit the foundation of my life and fix every problem in it, in Jesus name.

9. I destroy every remote controlling power working against my life, in Jesus name.

10. Every power aborting my blessing, be bound, in Jesus name.

11. I command every curse of almost there, but never there to be broken and destroyed, in Jesus name.

12. Every satanic traffic agent diverting good things from me, be paralyzed by the Blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.

13. I destroy all walls of Jericho erected for my sake, in Jesus name.

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